Emerging Professionals
YoDeNG or The ‘Yo’ung ‘De’signer’s ‘N’etworking ‘G’roup is an excuse to get out, and break free from our day to day routines. YoDeNG offers an opportunity to meet other like minded, up and coming ‘design’ professionals at a monthly meet and greet at different locations in the area. Typically held on the last Thursday of each month after work, a group of designers (both new and experienced) will get together to unwind and discuss any and everything that comes up. Meet new people, bring anyone who might want to contribute!
The last year of YoDeNG has been a productive one. There have been a slew of meet-ups at great new locations around town including the standard brewer visit. YoDeNG also co-hosted a few events during architecture week including a raucous night of strategy at the local board game headquarters. YoDeNG has also begun to encourage people to attend the revamping Black Rock Design Institute lecture series.
When it comes to growth in the foreseeable future, more attendees and design motivated participation is our goal. Every new individual to join up makes the growing young design community in the Truckee Meadows stronger. YoDeNG hopes to make design in the region something sought after by the developing community through informed individuals who bring design forward in any and all projects they work on.
Those looking to participate, get involved or even be a fly on the wall, can get their contact info on the monthly email list by emailing the organizer, Daniela Moral , at danimoral262@gmail.com or contacting aiann@aiann.org for more information including each month’s scheduled event.